The National Commission for the Coordination and Control of Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons (NATCOM) has finalized plans to hire and train approximately 300,000 individuals nationwide with the aim of combating the unlawful spread of small arms and light weapons.

According to Otunba Adejare Rewane Adegbenro, the Acting Director-General of NATCOM, each state in the federation and the Federal Capital Territory will have around 7,000 personnel enlisted. 

He stated, "Our intention is to enhance national security by employing about 300,000 personnel throughout the country. These individuals will not only be employed, but they will also undergo comprehensive training, contributing to a decrease in unemployment rates. We will collaborate with other security agencies to accomplish our mission."

He further mentioned, "For those interested in the employment of 7,000 personnel per state, stay tuned for the guidelines in national newspapers. Our focus is on recruiting enthusiastic and trainable young individuals."
