Tierra Young Allen, a prominent social media influencer from the United States, is currently facing a potential jail term in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), for an incident that occurred over two months ago. The issue arose when the 29-year-old influencer got into a heated dispute with a rental company following an accident involving one of their vehicles.

In April, Young had returned to the rental company's premises to retrieve her personal belongings after the accident. However, to her surprise, she was presented with an unexpected bill. This led to a heated argument with a confrontational staff member from the company. Unfortunately, during the altercation, Young raised her voice, unaware that doing so violated the country's laws regarding noise in public spaces.

The situation took a concerning turn when Young's mother, Tina Baxter, explained in an interview with Fox 26 that her daughter could now be facing imprisonment for this act of raising her voice. Baxter recounted the ordeal, explaining that the argument escalated due to an aggressive individual from the company who was shouting at Young. In response, Young raised her voice as well, leading to her being charged with the unusual offense of "the crime" of screaming.

The incident was captured on a surveillance tape and is expected to be presented as evidence during Young's trial. As a result of the ongoing investigation, authorities in Dubai have confiscated her passport and imposed a travel ban.

Quanell X, a prominent American activist and leader of the New Black Panther Nation in Houston, who has been involved with Young's case, shed light on the strict legal system in Dubai, which is significantly influenced by theocracy. He explained that the country disapproves of raised voices, particularly from women, considering such behavior unacceptable.

In his opinion, Young's actions should not be considered a crime, and he emphasizes the need to treat women fairly and equally in Dubai, allowing them the same freedoms as men. Quanell X expressed his concern over the unjust treatment Young is facing simply for raising her voice, which he believes is not in line with principles of fairness and justice.
