Governor Alex Otti of Abia State expressed his honor in inaugurating the Judicial Panel dedicated to recovering Abia State's assets. 

Ideally, this administration would have focused solely on governance and delivering the benefits of democracy without delving into investigations of past actions. However, due to widespread allegations of substantial misuse and misappropriation of public resources by former officials, the situation demanded attention. 

The handover process was characterized by hostility, resulting in numerous inaccessible assets and a need to rebuild from scratch. Public lands and institutions, including schools, were unfortunately converted for personal gain. 

This emphasizes the crucial importance of conducting inquiries and ensuring accountability, as our citizens have advocated for.

The Panel will:

1) Investigate complaints of government property misuse and recommend remedial actions.

2) Identify illegal acquisition/conversion of state assets and suggest recovery methods.

3) Analyze land allocation/revocation from May 2015-2023, judging their appropriateness.

4) Review contract awards from May 2015-2023 for legality.

5) Investigate other matters incidental or related to the above, making further recommendations.

We anticipate a swift operation from the panel, and encourage public support for the recovery of our shared wealth. With your excellent records, we trust you will help rebuild Abia State.

To current officials, let this be a reminder of accountability: Your actions today will be judged tomorrow.

May God bless Abia State.
