President Muhammadu Buhari unveiled and presented 81 new symbolic flags to the Army's various units at Headquarter Nigerian Army. 

He said: "Today, at the @HQNigerianArmy's Unveiling and Presentation of New Colours, in Abuja, I presented 81 new, symbolic flags to the Army's various units. I am very pleased to say that in the last eight years we have achieved a remarkable transformation of our military.   


When we came to office in May 2015, the fighting power of our military was at a low ebb. Eight years later, the story has changed significantly for the better, in every area: fighting power, training, operations, manpower, remuneration and welfare, maintenance efficiency.     

Since 2015 when I was sworn in as President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, I have ensured the recruitment of more than 60,000 soldiers from Depot Nigerian Army, apart from thousands commissioned from the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA). 

The Nigerian Army has, in line with my resolve to cater for the families of deceased personnel, implemented a welfare system that has provided Army scholarships to over 50,000 children and wards of personnel who died in active service, from 2015 to date.     

The Nigerian Army has acquired hundreds of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles, Troops Carrying Vehicles, Utility Vehicles, Tanks, Armoured Personnel Carriers, in addition to large numbers of supporting artillery guns, machine guns, rifles, and ammunition.       

The quantum of military platforms inducted since 2015 has enabled troops to take the battle to terrorists & criminals, particularly in North-East, resulting in recapture of territories held by insurgents. Our efforts have indeed paid-off with records of unprecedented successes.      

The last Trooping & Presentation of Colours Parade by @HQNigerianArmy was held in 2007. Since then, a lot has changed: new units have been established & operationalized, in addition to the fact that existing colours have been extensively used & are hence deserving of retirement.

We will continue to do everything to re-invigorate the fighting spirit of our troops through the inculcation of greater pride in their units.

On behalf of all Nigerians, let me express immense gratitude to the Chief of Defence Staff and all the other Service Chiefs, and heads of all paramilitary organizations, for their commitment and selfless service to the nation.

Very importantly, we also salute the gallantry and excellence of the officers and men of the Nigerian Army, and all our Armed Forces and other security agencies. 

God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria".
