The Acting Deputy Director of Public Relations 82 Division, Nigeria Army, Abubakar Abdullahi, has accused IPOB and ESN of setting houses, vehicles and properties on fire at Awo-Mmamma in Imo State.

He said IPOB /ESN are doing this to force people to indulge in the illegal sit-at-home. He further added that the criminals harass, intimated and physically abuse commuters who are going about their lawful businesses.

The statement partly reads: " the criminals went further to carry out arson and destruction of businesses and homes at Ishieke junction (along Owerri-Onitsha express way) as a vendetta against the citizens for not complying with the illegal order."

"The hoodlums who had earlier blocked the highway, set ablaze a commercial vehicle heading towards Onitsha. Vigilant troops  responding to distress calls by motorists and shop owners swiftly moved to the scene and engaged the hoodlums in a firefight. The troops overwhelmed the hoodlums forcing them to scamper in different directions."

"The troops pursued the hoodlums to their hideout in Akatta Community in Oru East LGA, where a member of the group was neutralized in the shootout. While the troops engaged the hoodlums in their hideout, other members of the group who alleged that some individuals had volunteered information to the troops mustered at Ishieke junction and set ablaze houses and businesses of law abiding citizens. The troops again returned to the junction to disperse the hoodlums. Unfortunately, a galant soldier paid the supreme prize in defence of the people."

"It is on record that since the sad events of 5 April 2021 when some unscrupulous elements invaded the Custodial Centre in Owerri and freed more than 1,800 inmates, there has been an upsurge in  criminalities such as kidnapping, car jacking, robbery, unwarranted killing and arson in Imo State. These criminal elements have since then  wreaked  havoc in the State and its environs."

" Even in the face of unwholesome propaganda by IPOB/ESN, other criminal elements and their collaborators to misinform and mislead Nigerians on the truth regarding the arson at Awo-Mmamma, the NA will continue to remain professional."

"The NA appeals to the good people of Imo State to ignore the propaganda and threats by IPOB and its affiliate groups, who despite their deceitful calls cancelling the monday sit at home order, have continued to intimidate and harass citizens who come out to do their legitimate business."
