A lot of people do not know how to check the quantity of gas they have in their gas cylinder. This includes both the sellers and customers.
It is a common sight to see people shake their cylinders to ascertain if they still have some gas left in the cylinder. This is very wrong and may cause disaster at times.
There are two ways to check the quantity of gas left in your cylinder.
1. WATER: The best way to check the quantity of gas left in your cylinder is to pour normal or cool water on the side of the cylinder and allow it to dry. Within few minutes, the empty part will dry while the wet part indicates the remaining amount of gas in your cylinder.
2. SCALE: The second method is to place it on a scale. Some people have the normal weighing scales in their homes. Simply place the empty cylinder bottle on it. Note the weight. When you fill the bottle check the weight again. It's very easy with this method to know the exact amount of gas left in your cylinder bottle.
Hope this is useful. Inform your friends and family about it.
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