The spokesman of the 16 Brigade of the Nigerian Army, Major Danjuma Jonah denied that their men were not the one that set Azagbene community a blazed but confirmed the death of two of their men that were killed by suspected criminals. 

He added that they were only in search of the one missing soldier due to the attack that led to the death of the two soldiers. 

 "Our men did not burn down houses in Azagbene community. We are only combing the community and neighbouring Towns in search of one soldier that is missing as a result of the attack that led to the death of two soldiers." 

“And we are carrying out the search for the missing soldier in conjunction with leaders of the community," Maj. Danjuma stated. 

It was gathered that a suspected sea pirate who were well armed came in double 200 horse power speedboats struck the community on Monday night due to the crude oil flow that was located in that area, killed two soldiers and kidnapped one soldier and made away with their rifles and ammunition. 

According to an eye witness, who said that after the incident on Monday, that soldiers invaded Azagbene community and ordered them to live because they are going to razed down the whole community and whoever that refuses to go will be killed according the instructions given. 

"When the soldiers entered our community, they directed us to leave because they were going to burn everything to the ground and that anybody fails to comply with the directive would be killed."

"The current condition of Azagbene Federated Communities in Ekeremor LGA, Bayelsa State after the Nigeria army invasion at the early hours of 23rd July, 2019 is empty with no single building standing."

“Before some of us left the community, I saw the building of our Paramount ruler on fire. Even my family house has been burnt down to arshes. As I speak to you now, there is no any flies in my community. We are suffering for a crime we didn’t commit," an eye witness stated.
