Just few days away to the scheduled election for the State House of Assembly seat in Njikoka Constituency 2, the people are optimistic the front line APGA candidate in the race, the incumbent, Hon. Dr Pete Ibida, would come out victorious in the forthcoming election fixed for March 9th 2018.

Given his track record of selfless service, during his first tenure to the Constituency as a progressive law maker, one can emphatically say that victory will surely come his way because he is fully prepared, armed with laudable achievements, for the battle ahead.

Obviously there is room for improvement but considering his input since 2015 and when compared to his predecessors from Abagana, one would agree that his contributions should guarantee him victory in the election.

The good people of Abagana, for one, will not let him down at a time like this. Hon. Ibida is obviously the candidate to beat given his intimidating pedigree and antecedents as a grassroots politician over the years.

His record of dividends of democracy in the constituency was unassailable because he touched lives of the people in the Constituency positively.

And considering his candidacy, every Progressive mind in Abagana, will agree that nothing short of re-election is what Ibida deserved.

Being stakeholders in socio-political issues that concern us as a people, it is expedient ndi Abagana take salient decisions that would add value to our collective life.

That is why is very cardinal and imperative for us to put our differences aside and forge ahead together by giving our total support and vote to APGA by reelecting Hon. Dr Pete Ibida.

Such support is not based on bias tendency but on facts and critical assessment, which confirmed him to be the most acceptable candidate for many reasons but more importantly for the confidence the people have in his ability to provide the right leadership to the people of the constituency.

It is important to point out that majority of ndi Abagana, including the elderly men and women, the professionals, academicians, vibrant and active youths, industrious women, visionary personalities and our children in primary and secondary schools want Pete to continue his good work at the State House of Assembly.

We must learn not to sacrifice good governance on the altar of selfish interest because as far as the collective interest of ndi Abagana is concern, Pete Ibida stands out.
